Call to Order – Chairman White called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Board members present were J. B. White, Harvey Norris, Bob Harris, Wesley Keber & Burt Jones. Also present were: Robbie Letson and his granddaughter, Molly; Mike Lott, Rindt-McDuff consulting engineers; Dr. Alan White, Butts County administrator; and Authority staff members Marcie Seleb & Joyce Hosey.
Opening Prayer – Mr. Norris opened the meeting with a prayer.
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings – Mr. Harris made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the January 12, 2010 meeting and approve the same. This was seconded by Mr. Keber and approved unanimously.
Presentation on Sewer Layout for I-75 Corridor – Mike Lott – Mr. Lott introduced himself and went over the preliminary sewer master layout. The interstate corridor was split into three map sections for this review. Copies of these maps are attached and made a part of these minutes.
It was noted that Rindt-McDuff also worked with the Butts County Board of Commissioners to coordinate the sewer layout with access road layout. Various funding mechanisms were discussed to provide sewer access on Highway 16 on both sides of Interstate 75. Chairman White thanked Mr. Lott for the good work he had done and directed him to proceed with the final layout.
Request to Cross Bucksnort LAS Property – Robbie Letson – Mr. Robbie Letson introduced himself to the Board and requested permission to cross Bucksnort LAS property to get from his property on Bucksnort Road to a party pavilion on Harkness Road. LAS operator Andre Thomas had put locked gates up on site roads when he noticed that persons on four-wheelers were running through the LAS property. Mr. Letson said that this was a “community road” that had been used for a number of years prior to the Authority acquiring the property and that using the property saved him 1.7 miles of travel on county road rights of way.
Ms. Seleb asked him if he and his friends ever carried firearms. Mr. Letson responded that they wore handguns in holsters as protection from animals. Chairman White advised Mr. Letson that the Authority’s legal counsel would have to make the call on this. He directed Ms. Seleb to contact attorney Will White and request a written opinion. The Board advised him that they were leaving it in the Authority’s attorney’s hands and that they would have something in writing for him by the end of next week.
Updated Request for Extension on Isaac Head Road – Ms. Seleb advised the Board that Jeff Stewart had now gotten eight petitioners wanting a water extension on Isaac Head Road and asked that the Authority accept the revised petition. This would move Isaac Head Road to number one on the priority list. A motion was made by Mr. Keber to accedpt the revised petition proceed with tap sale letters. This was seconded by Mr. Norris and approved unanimously.
A copy of a map the road and the petition are attached and made a part of these minutes.
Consider EPS STAG Grant Projects for Congressman Jim Marshall – Ms. Seleb advised the Board that the office of Congressman Jim Marshall has asked for projects for the Environmental Protection Service State & Tribal Assistant Grant by February 20, 2010. She advised the Board that grants were expected to be around $500,000, but that funding chances are considered slim. The Board advised Ms. Seleb to proceed with applications for: gravity sewer on Highway 16 and an elevated tank for the northwest area of the county.
It was also noted that with a job-creating development, grants from OneGeorgia and the Department of Community Affairs.
Manager’s Report
Update on In-House Projects
- West Ball Road – The extension on West Ball Road should be finished with the week; weather permitting.
- System Maintenance – The crew continues to do valve and hydrant marking, valve exercising, hydrant flow marking, as well as continuing to change out and rebuild old meters. The crew will be cleaning out the sludge lagoons at the Burford Plant.
- Riverview Sewer – The crew has been blasting and digging at Riverview Park since January 26, 2010. There has been a generator onsite for two (2) weeks.
- Colwell Road Connector – Ms. Seleb advised the Board that she will be bidding out pipe and boring this month on the Colwell Road Connector fo Board approval this month, as the Authority is able to move along with the Department of Corrections easement.
Operation Statistics – Ms. Seleb went over the water and sewer statistics for the month of January 2010. Water billing was up $21,600 from December at $214,134, with an active customer base of 5,199. Sewer billing for January 2010 was up $12,800 from December at $41,933 with an active customer base of 126.
The average daily water pumped to the Authority, Jackson and Jenkinsburg from the Ocmulgee and Stewart plants were 2.1 MGD, with maximum of 2.4 MGD. The rolling 12-month average loss is 12.1%. The total amount of water pumped in January 2010 per plant was: Ocmulgee – 60 MG; Stewart – 5 MG. The average wastewater sprayed at the Bucksnort Ranch LAS was .249/.550 MGD with a maximum 7-day effluent of .309/.550 MGD.
A copy of these operation statistics is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Financial Report – Ms. Seleb went over the financial summary for Water & Sewer Operations and SPLOST through January 2010. A copy of the financial summaries, as well as combined balance sheets and income statements is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Review Bills Paid – Board members reviewed check registers and credit card statements for the month of January 2010. A copy of these check registers is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Adjourn – A motion was made by Mr. Norris to adjourn meeting at 8:00 p.m. This was seconded by Mr. Harris and approved unanimously.