Call to Order – Chairman White called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Board members present were J. B. White, Harvey Norris, Eddie Roberts, Jr., Burt Jones & Eddie Ford; also present were General Manager Marcie Seleb and Administrative Services Manager Vickye Smith.
Opening Prayer – Mr. Norris opened the meeting with a prayer.
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings – Eddie Roberts made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the April 8, 2014 meeting. This was seconded by Mr. Ford and approved unanimously.
Award Colwell Road Lift Station and Gravity Sewer Project – Ms. Seleb reported that only two bids had been received on the Colwell Road Lift Station and Gravity Sewer Project. This is the project for the southeast quadrant of I-75 and GA Hwy. 16 that had previously been funded through a Community Development Block Grant Employment Incentive Program grant that was rescinded. Crawford Grading and Pipeline bid $266,201 and Pyles Plumbing and Utility Contractors bid $388,141. Motion by Burt Jones to award this contract to the low bidder, Crawford Grading and Pipeline in the amount of $266,201. This was seconded by Mr. Roberts and passed unanimously. A copy of the bid tabulation is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Approve Purchase of Compact Track Loader – Ms. Seleb reported that the staff prefers to purchase the Caterpillar Compact Loader, particularly due to better access to service and parts. Caterpillar has agreed to offer a thirty-six month lease purchase at 2.7%. Ms. Seleb recommended purchasing the unit outright due to extremely low interest being paid on the Authority’s reserve funds. Motion by Eddie Ford to directly purchase the Caterpiller 289D compact track loader at the bid price of $57,156 from Yancey Brothers. This was seconded by Mr. Jones and passed unanimously.
Fiscal Year 2014-19 Capital Improvements and Debt Service Plan – The draft Capital Improvements and Debt Service Plan for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-19 period was reviewed. Ms. Seleb noted that over $30 million in projects had been identified for the system as a whole. For FY 2014-19, $4.3 million in spending is projected, with $3.45 million to be spent on the water system and $.85 million to be spent on the sewer system. A copy of the Capital Improvements and Debt Service Overview is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Motion to accept the plan as presented was made by Harvey Norris. This was seconded by Mr. Roberts and passed unanimously.
Request for Service to Lamar County Lots – Board members considered a request from David Aldridge to serve water to three lots in Lamar County on Short Road. These lots could potentially be served from the rear of each lot by way of the Authority’s private drive to the Truckstop Way lift station. The Authority board’s current policy is to add no new service areas outside of Butts County. Eddie Roberts expressed concern about service issues that could result from taps being set on a private drive. After discussion, a motion was made to deny this request by Eddie Roberts. This was seconded by Mr. Ford and passed unanimously.
Manager’s Report
Construction Update
Hwy 16 Sewer West of I-75 – This relined sections of the piping have all passed inspection. Some sections of reinstalled gravity sewer appear to be holding more than one-inch of water, the maximum allowed by contract. Staff is awaiting receipt of manhole elevations and the survey of lines as installed prior to taking further action.
Great American Travel Center Water Service – The connecting main across GA Highway 16 and the water meter vault have been installed and tested. Water service is now active.
Nathan Thaxton Water Main Extension – With the necessary easement in hand, the Authority’s crew is ready to begin installing this main from Hwy. 36 to Brooks Road.
Meter Replacement – Staff is continuing to work on replacing 1 ½” and 2″ manual read meters with radio read meters.
Geocoding of Line Valves – Staff is about 45% complete with geocoding of line valves.
Fire Hydrant Painting – After discussion of the current method of regular fire hydrant maintenance and painting using fire fighters and emergency service personnel, board members recommended that the Authority paint, weed, and maintain all hydrants with its own forces, possibly hiring a part-time worker using a spare pickup truck.
Operation Statistics – Water and sewer pumping and billing numbers for the month of April were reviewed. Water billing for April 2014 was $212,855, down 11% from the previous April. Sixty-five million gallons of water were pumped to the system during April. Four new water services were sold during the month. The current monthly water loss estimate was 9.4%, with the rolling annual average loss at 13.7%.
Sewer billing for April 2014 was $55,609, up 19% from the previous April. Average influent at the Bucksnort Ranch Land Application System was 294,000 gallons per day during April. Three new sewer services were sold during the month.
Public Service Commission Fine – It was noted that the Public Service Commission did not consider circumstances in the recent accidental AT&T cable damage during water main installation on Nathan Thaxton Road. A $1500 fine is anticipated.
Revenue Bond Process – A preliminary official statement has been prepared for the $4 million dollar refinancing of loans from the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority. A bond rating of the Authority by Standard and Poor’s is underway.
Darnell Walker – Water plant operator, Darnell Walker, was recognized for completion of a diploma program at Southern Crescent Technical College. Darnell took advantage of both the HOPE Grant and the Authority’s work education program to study Industrial Management Systems. This has already benefitted the system by adding capacity for in-house repairs to electronic equipment.
Financial Report – Ms. Seleb went over the financial summary for Water & Sewer Operations, Capital Recovery Fees and SPLOST through April 2014. With 83% of the fiscal year passed, Water Operations has brought in 103% of budgeted revenue and used 76% of funds budgeted for expense. Sewer Operations has brought in 104% of budgeted revenue and used 90% of funds budgeted for expense. A total of $48,606 has been collected in capital recovery fees for new services. Through May 12th, $514,224 has been collected in 2013-19 Special Purpose Local Options Sales Tax (SPLOST). Ms. Seleb noted that thus far, SPLOST collections are 3.2% over budget estimates. Total cash on hand at the end of April was $6,681,390.
The financial summary reports, combined balance sheet, and combined income statement are attached and made a part of these minutes. Board members also reviewed copies of check registers for April 2014 which are also attached and made a part of the minutes.
Adjourn – A motion was made by Burt Jones to adjourn meeting at 6:45 p.m. This was seconded by Mr. Ford and approved unanimously.