Call to Order – Chairman White called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Board members present were J. B. White, Eddie Roberts, Jr., Eddie Ford, & Harvey Norris. Also present was Bobby Metzinger representing Yancey Power Systems. Staff members present were Marcie Seleb, general manager, and Alyssa Hopson, clerk to the board.
Approval of Minutes from March 12, 2019 Meeting – Mr. Roberts made a motion to dispense with the reading of, and to approve, the minutes from the March 12, 2019 meeting. This was seconded by Mr. Ford and approved unanimously.
Yancey Power Systems Service Contract Change – Bobby Metzinger reported a second amended financial service contract has been proposed. Yancey is proposing lower maintenance and repair fees than the original amendment, but the total is still some $7,000 over the original agreement. This year’s maintenance work is not scheduled until July 2019. Ms. Seleb will get other proposals and compare prices. Mr. Metzinger excused himself from the meeting at 5:36 p.m.
Water Model Update Preliminary Results – Ms. Seleb presented preliminary water model results from Hayes James Associates. Hayes James has updated the 2012 hydraulic model, including detailed information for the City of Jackson. Ms. Seleb advised that staff from the Authority and Jackson had reviewed the memorandum and sent it back to Hayes James for minor corrections. A copy of the draft model update memorandum is attached and made part of these minutes.
Select Engineer for Water Plant Modification Preliminary Design – Ms. Seleb presented three proposals for a design development report for Burford Water Plant modifications based upon the study done by the University of Central Florida in 2016-18. Wiedeman and Singleton was recommended by staff due to a scoring combination that considered experience, skills, timeliness, and price. Mr. Ford made a motion to accept the proposal priced at $35,000. This was seconded by Mr. Norris and approved unanimously.
Engineer of Record for Delegated Authority – Ms. Seleb presented a scope of services and fee proposal for engineer of record from Ingram and Associates Engineering. The engineer of record reviews plans submitted to the Authority from developers. The Authority’s current engineer of record, Lorraine Campagne, has left private practice. Mr. Norris made a motion to accept the $110.00 an hour proposal from Ingram and Associates, which is equal to the pricing paid to Ms. Campagne’s firm. This was seconded by Mr. Roberts and approved unanimously. A copy of the Ingram proposal is attached and made part of these minutes.
Manager’s Report
New Hire – Mr. Ford made a motion to affirm the hiring of Brandon Strickland as a water treatment plant operator. This was seconded by Mr. Roberts and approved unanimously.
Request for Discounted Service Connection – Ms. Seleb reported the Gregory Bridge Company purchased a regular 3/4″ water service for $1200. The service will only be used during construction of the Yellow Water Creek Bridge on GA Hwy. 36 East. Mr. Jay Gregory has asked if the Authority would consider a discount. Ms. Seleb recommended refunding Gregory Bridge $350, the capital recovery fee portion of the service connection fee. Mr. Roberts made a motion to approve the refund. This was seconded by Mr. Norris and approved unanimously. A copy of the letter from Gregory Bridge is attached and made part of these minutes.
LGS Holdings – Ms. Seleb presented a preliminary site plan for a large mixed-use development on Highway 16 West by LGS Holdings. Mr. Norris made a motion not to serve the residential development as presented because current Authority policy allows new residential sewer service to be considered only when in the P-R zoning category. This was seconded by Mr. Roberts and approved unanimously. Mr. White abstained due to conflict of interest because he owns property in the area.
Result of Sampling Noncompliance Negotiations with EPD – Ms. Seleb reported she, water production superintendent Herbert Head and attorney Will White met with Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) staff to discuss the noncompliance letter for THM HAA sampling. EPD agreed the Authority’s public notification may be included in the 2019 Consumer Confidence Report and may be distributed via the Internet. Copies of an oral petition from Will White and an e-mail verifying the agreement from Lewis Hayes of EPD are attached and made part of these minutes.
DOT Survey for Truck Lanes – Ms. Seleb reported Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT) is surveying properties along I-75 for proposed truck lanes. This would appear to include the Bucksnort Ranch Land Application System. A copy of the letter from DOT is attached and made part of these minutes.
Flying J/Buckner’s Sewer – Ms. Seleb reported that the original route to serve Flying J/Pilot with sewer cannot be followed due to inability to obtain a needed easement. The new proposal is to install a gravity sewer line on Bucksnort Road with Flying J/Pilot running a gravity sewer line on its property from Bucksnort Road to its existing pump station. Mr. Roberts made a motion to use 2019-24 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) money to fund the project on Bucksnort Road running from Hwy. 36 to Buckner’s Restaurant with Flying J/Pilot paying for the line across its property. This was seconded by Mr. Norris and approved unanimously. Mr. White abstained due to conflict of interest because he owns property in the area.
Litter Trap Seed Grant – Because DeKalb County is moving forward to pay all costs of the planned litter trap on the South River, this grant is no longer needed. Ms. Seleb reported that EPD is going to terminate the $75,000 grant as it is no longer needed for the project. Mr. Ford made a motion to withdraw $10,000 donated by the Authority toward the project and to distribute other donated funds held by the Authority back to the South River Watershed Alliance and the Jackson Lake Association. This was seconded by Mr. Norris and approved unanimously.
Construction – Ms. Seleb reported the Authority’s crew is installing taps on Barnes Road. The T.W. Leverette Road water main extension is complete. The Airstrip water main installation set to begin with the current week. A preconstruction meeting with Pyles Construction for the Liberty II sewer project is scheduled for May 10, 2019.
Operations Statistics – Ms. Seleb reviewed water production, water loss and customer statistics for March. The average daily finished water pumped to the Authority, Jackson and Jenkinsburg from Burford and Stewart plants was 1.9 million gallons per day, with a maximum of 2.1 million gallons per day. The rolling twelve-month average loss was 11.4% with the current monthly average loss at 11.2%. The total amount of finished water pumped in March by each plant was: Burford – 51 million gallons and Stewart – 7 million gallons.
Water billing for March was $213,957, down 9% from the previous month and up 3% the same month for the previous year. Sewer billing for March was $43,417, down 19% from the previous month and down 20% from the previous year.
Total water accounts numbered 5,660 at the end of March with 5,182 of those being active water customers. Four subdivision water meters were purchased on the existing system in March with no other taps sold.
There were 187 total sewer accounts at the end of March with 185 of those being active sewer customers. No sewer connection was purchased on the existing system.
Financial Report – Ms. Seleb reviewed the financial summary for Water & Sewer Operations, Capital Recovery Fees, and Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) for March 2019.
Water Operations income for March was $244,609 with $189,372 in expenses. Water capital recovery fee revenue for Fiscal Year 2019 thus far was $22,736 with $0 in expenses.
Sewer Operations income for March was $48,987 with expenses of $27,407. Sewer Capital Recovery Fee revenue for Fiscal Year 2019 thus far was $10,942 with $0 in expenses.
To date, $2,762,241 has been collected in 2013-18 SPLOST revenue, with $2,526,703 expended.
Total cash on hand at the end of March was $10,307,929. This is $377,599 under the June 30, 2018 balance. Copies of the March 2018 financial summaries, the consolidated fund balance sheet and the consolidated fund income statement are attached and made a part of these minutes.
Adjourn – A motion was made by Mr. Norris to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 p.m. This was seconded by Mr. Roberts and approved unanimously.