Call to Order – Chairman White called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Board members present were J. B. White, Harvey Norris, Eddie Roberts, Jr. & Eddie Ford. Representing Scanlon Engineering Services was Joey Scanlon. Staff members present were General Manager Marcie Seleb and Joyce Hosey, Clerk to the Board.
Approval of Minutes from July 8, 2014 Meeting – Mr. Roberts made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the July 8, 2014 meeting. This was seconded by Mr. Norris and approved unanimously.
Proposed Sewer Connection for Towaliga County Line Baptist Church – Joey Scanlon – Mr. Scanlon indicated that the Towaliga County Line Baptist Church would like to tie directly onto the Authority’s force main on Short Road. It was agreed to have Mr. Scanlon prepare plans of his design for review by one of the Authority’s consulting engineers. Mr. Scanlon left the meeting at 5:50 p.m.
A copy of the Scanlon Engineering request and plans are attached and made a part of these minutes.
Consider Financial Policy with Respect to Tax-Exempt Debt – This topic was tabled until the September board meeting.
Connection Fee Discussion – Ms. Seleb reviewed the Authority’s current water and sewer connection fee structure. Ms. Seleb explained that the Authority needs a fee system that both covers immediate costs of connection and helps build funds to continue to provide system capacity. She went on to tell the Board that the customer wants an easy to understand charge that is not so high as to keep them from tying onto the system (and maybe high enough to provide for good quality service).
Ms. Seleb offered options to the Board to delete Capital Recovery Fee’s (CRF); suspend CRF’s; Modify CRF calculation – reduce percentage of system costs that we expect new connections to contribute to and push projected system capital needs out further into the future.
The Board advised Ms. Seleb to revise the current Capital Recovery Fees (CRF) for a reduced capital improvement plan (based on the current slow economy) and to shift more of the capital costs to water rates rather than CRF. No motion was made.
A copy of the Authority’s current water and sewer CRF’s and comparison of fees for standard residential connections in surrounding counties is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Proposed Change Order – Rindt-McDuff Land Application System (LAS) Work – Motion made by Mr. Norris to accept the proposed change order from Rindt-McDuff for an additional $3,000 for work at the LAS due to additional work required. This was seconded by Mr. Roberts and approved unanimously. A signed copy of this work order is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Consider Write Off of Uncollectible Bills – Board members reviewed a list of thirty uncollectible accounts totaling $2,158.49 to be written off under the current policy of the Authority. Motion made by Mr. Ford to modify the existing policy to pursue any debts over $100 through the Magistrate Court of Butts County and to write off all others. This was seconded by Mr. Roberts and approved unanimously. A copy of these write-offs is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Additional Staff Member – Motion made by Mr. Roberts to fill the full time position being vacated by the retirement of Mike Manville and to add two part-time positions for system maintenance. This was seconded by Mr. Norris and approved unanimously.
Manager’s Report
Construction Update
Hwy. 16 Sewer West – The contractor has achieved a slope of at least .22%, except for under Windy Lane where it is .15%, but does not hold water. Hold water in manhole #8 that is flowing back from manhole #7 which is outside their project scope.
A motion was made by Mr. Roberts to accept the work done on the Hwy. 16 West Sewer project. This was seconded by Mr. Norris. Mr. White abstained from voting. A photo of the slope is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Nathan Thaxton/Brownlee/East Ball Road Water – The crew has installed 3,000 lf over the last month from Brooks Road toward Hwy. 36, with 200 feet of rock being blasted with more to come and, the upcoming plan is to put the first customers online over the next week on the installed section.
West Butts Tank – Preconstruction meeting has been held with the contractor to be onsite in October and projected completion next summer.
Hwy. 16 Sewer East – Preconstruction meeting has been held, and the contractor is moving equipment onto the site with a projected completion in mid October.
Automatic Gate at Shop – The crew has installed an automatic gate at the Brownlee Road shop with materials bought from fence company.
Operations Overview – The average daily finished water pumped in July 2014 to the Authority, Jackson and Jenkinsburg from the Burford and Stewart plants was 2.5 million gallons per day, with a maximum of 2.9 million gallons per day. The rolling twelve month average loss was 12.5% with the current month average loss of 10.3%. The total amount of finished water pumped in July by plant was: Burford – 69 million gallons and Stewart – 7 million gallons.
Water and sewer pumping and billing numbers for the month of July were reviewed. Water billing for July 2014 was $243,312, up 2% from June 2014 and up 13% from July 2013. Sewer billing for July 2014 was $54,052, up 2% from June 2014 and up 12% July 2013.
The average wastewater influent at the Bucksnort Ranch Land Application System was 290,000 gallons per day with an average daily effluent of 275,000 gallons per day and the maximum 7-day effluent was 329,000 gallons per day.
The total water customer base was 5,345 with active water customers numbering 4,823. There was on subdivision meter sold and no sewer taps sold during the month of July. The total sewer customer base was 140, with active sewer customers numbering 138.
Algae Blooms in Jackson Lake – Georgia Power notified the Authority that there have been some algae blooms in Jackson Lake. Water from the lake has been tested with algae levels found to be not harmful.
New Tractor Truck – Ms. Seleb advised the Board that the crew has replaced the Army Tractor truck sold earlier this year with a new truck purchased from the Georgia Forestry Commission.
Jackson Alive Festival Request – The Jackson Alive Festival committee has requested a donation of $100. Motion made by Mr. Ford to donate $100 to Jackson Alive Festival. This was seconded by Mr. Roberts and approved unanimously.
Georgia Emergency Management Association (GEMA) Generator Grant – Ms. Seleb advised the Board that she has applied for $1.2 million in generators through the GEMA generator grant program.
Joint City/County/Authority Meeting – Tuesday, August 26th at 6:00 p.m. – Ms. Seleb advised the Board that a joint meeting will be held Tuesday, August 26th at 6:00p.m. Mr. White, Mr. Ford and Mr. Roberts said they will be attending meeting.
Financial Report – Ms. Seleb went over the financial summary for Water & Sewer Operations, and Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) for July 2014. For the month, water operations income was $249,835 and expenses were $203,070. The impact of posting revenue bond receipts and disbursements water capital recovery fee revenue for the fiscal year so far is $261,849 with expenses of $12,629. Sewer operations income for June was $39,786, and expenses were $41,101. Sewer capital recovery fee revenue for the fiscal year thus far was $187,474 with expenses of $11,578.
The Authority has used $2,891,391 of 2007-12 SPLOST to pay monthly debt on the Bucksnort Ranch expansion loan. To date, $556,089 remains in 2007-12 SPLOST funds for this purpose. $548,955 has been collected in 2013-19 Special Purpose Local Options Sales Tax (SPLOST). Total cash on hand at the end of June was $6,879,569.
Total cash on hand through the end of May 2013 was $6,018,880. This is $723,356 over the June 30, 2012 balances. Copies of financial summaries, combined fund balance sheets, and combined fund income statements are attached and made a part of these minutes.
Review Bills Paid – Board members were given copies of check registers for July 2014.
Adjourn – Motion made by Mr. Norris to adjourn meeting at 7:00 p.m. This was seconded by Mr. Roberts and approved unanimously.