General Requirements for Extensions to New Development

The Developer Is Responsible for All Costs of Extension
This applies inside new residential subdivisions, industrial sites, and commercial sites and to necessary extensions along existing public roads to reach those sites.
The owner of any new development will be required to pay for labor, materials, design and all other costs of water line extension. At the option of the Authority, construction of extensions to and within new development may be done by the Authority or by a qualified contractor working for the developer. In any case, line construction must adhere strictly to adopted Authority specifications.
Authority Consideration
Extensions to new development will be considered under the following conditions:
- Sufficient dedicated right of way must be available along public roads required to access the development.
- The developer must provide a letter from the Butts County Community Services Department that the property has been approved for the proposed use according to the zoning and development regulations of Butts County.
- The developer must provide the Authority with three (3) copies of plans of the property to be served at a format and scale that meets the Authority’s specifications. The Authority will review the submitted plans for conformance to its standards & specifications. The plans will be revised by the developer as necessary to meet requirements prior to final Authority approval. Said plans shall contain the following information:
- location of the closest existing water line of the Authority which is of sufficient size to serve the property;
- location of the existing and proposed roads to serve the property;
- exact size, material, and footage of water line that will have to be installed in order to serve the property;
- location of all water lines and appurtenances to be constructed in the area to be developed;and
- documentation that lines and appurtenances have been sized to meet the specifications the County and the Authority for customer demand and fire flows.
- The developer must document financial ability to pay the cost of construction.
Construction by Authority
If the construction will be provided by the Authority, the total cost of the project, as estimated by the Authority, must be paid to the Authority. A letter of credit signed by the president of an accredited bank in the State of Georgia will be acceptable in lieu of cash. In the event that it becomes apparent to the Authority that construction of said lines will cost more than the original estimated cost, the Authority may terminate work until such time as adequate funds have been placed with the Authority, or a revised letter of credit with an adequate figure is received.
Construction by Developer
Lines will normally be allowed to be constructed by the Developer only within the development itself.
During construction, the Authority will inspect work as necessary. Upon completion of construction by the developer, but prior to the initiation of water service the following must be done:
- The Authority will conduct tests to ensure that completed water lines meet Authority specifications for pressure, flow and water quality.
- The developer must post a deed conveying the water line, appurtenances thereto, and any required permanent easements to the Authority.
- The developer must post a surety bond, or a letter of credit from any banking institution within the State of Georgia, with the Authority in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total cost of the construction of said line, which said bond, or letter of credit, shall guarantee payment to the Authority for any repairs or maintenance needed in said line over a period of one (1) year from the date of conveyance of said line. The Authority will conduct a final comprehensive inspection of the water infrastructure once the facility has been in service between eleven (11) and twelve (12) months. The developer will be responsible for any corrections and listed noted through that time.
- The developer must furnish three (3) copies of as-built water lines and appurtenances in the size and format specified by the Authority.
- The developer must execute an affidavit prescribed by the Authority stating that the cost of all labor and materials has been paid accompanied by copies of all invoices.
For More Information, Please Contact Alyssa D. Hopson, General Manager, at (770) 775-0042